Colossians 2:13 ‘….for HE forgave all our sins. He cancelled the record of the charges against us and took it away….’
It is Jesus Christ who has the power to forgive our sins. His blood was shed for the remission of sins. His death brought with it the forgiveness of sin. Not in a progressive way but in a full and a complete way. It was once and for all. This includes past, present and future sin. This forgiveness is universal in nature – it reaches all sin, original and actual, before and after conversion; sins of thought, word and deed. Only God could do this and it was His prerogative. He chose, through the death of His Son, to give us the gift of forgiveness. Look at what some of the other translations say: ‘Having forgiven us all our trespasses.’ ‘Having forgiven us all our transgressions.’ ‘He forgave us all of our offenses.’ ‘He forgave all our failures.’ Whatever it is, He is ready to forgive us.
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