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God still speaks to us

Daily Thought

Your Word for 06 September 2024

2 Corinthians 12:9
‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.’

dw07september15Even in times when He may feel afar off, He will still speak to us through His Word. As we read the Bible He can speak to us with something that ‘jumps out’ at us and becomes a revelation because His Spirit has come and made it living and real to us as individuals. The Bible is a record of Him speaking directly and indirectly through Prophets, Kings, Priest, Apostles, Children, Angels and even a Donkey.
We also see how He spoke to men and women. Think about people like David, Esther, Mary and Paul. The Lord can speak to us through our very own thoughts and through the still small voice within us.
The Lord can speak to us through our situation and circumstances. He can speak to us while we are driving, He can speak to us during the night and He can even speak to us as we sleep.  He can speak to us through nature and the beauty of a sunset or the sound of a babbling stream.
He can speak to us when we are old or when we very young. If you are an older person today, you can expect Him to speak to you.  If you are a young person, you can expect Him to speak to you.  If you are a child, you are by no means excluded.
He can speak to us when we are under enormous pressure or when things are running smoothly. Live with expectation that He is ready and willing to speak to you and to hear from you.
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