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Trust God to give you a strategy

Daily Thought

Your Word for 17 January 2025

Exodus 6:7
‘I will take you as My own people, and I will be your God.’

1912101_10153067138246313_1684451054834657622_nGod never abandons us, but He wants to give us a strategy in the battles we face.

Exodus 17:9-10 Moses said to Joshua, “Choose men for us and go out, fight against Amalek.  Tomorrow I will station myself on the top of the hill with the staff of God in my hand.”

Joshua did as Moses told him, and fought against Amalek.  They did not just amble into the battle. They went in with a plan and a strategy.
In our church we received a prophetic word regarding this: ‘You don’t know how you are going to face the future. The Lord is saying: Are you ready to walk on the water? Are you ready to walk on the water with Me? The Lord is speaking to you, and you feel a tugging in your heart. You have not walked on the water; you have not taken the step of faith. It’s a place where you are not limited by gravity, not limited by the storm, not limited by fear.
He is standing there with a strategy for you! He is standing there with what you need for your marriage. He is standing there with what you need for your business, He is standing there with what you need for your finances and you are on the other side. He is saying to you, COME! If you need to take a step of faith, to stand on the water, and walk with the Lord but you don’t know how or you don’t know how you are going to take the first step, remember the Lord does. Don’t look down, don’t look back, and don’t look at where you are now, in the boat. Don’t look at the storms above you. Look forward at the Lord, who is looking at you and who is smiling at you, and He is saying, My child I love you and I have a strategy for you. Come and experience that bit of the limitlessness that you can experience because you are coming to Me!’
We can trust God to give us a strategy for what we are facing or are up against. Usually the strategy will require more from us than what our comfort zones want to surrender.  But it is the key to victory.  We must make the choice to place a foot outside the security of the boat.  We must face the enemy, but God will give you a strategy.
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