The trip towards physical and mental maturity is a long and up-hill trip. No one matures physically in a week or two and no one completes their education in a short period of time. It takes at least twenty to twenty five years of constant effort and action to reach a reasonable level of maturity. Some mature faster but that’s not the norm.
Many of you may have long already reached physical maturity, as well as mental maturity. Others may feel that although you are physically mature, you still need considerable in-put academically and therefore you are engaged in some form of study. The point at issue is that all of us are at different levels of maturity and that we all take different lengths of time to mature.
Things are a little different as we move towards spiritual maturity! Some take a long, long time to mature. Some never mature spiritually! Some grow very rapidly and mature in months more than others mature in years. Our maturity rate is definitely determined by the following matters:
- Our application of other principles of God’s Word for our lives.
- Our openness to the Holy Spirit.
- Our involvement in a spiritually alive church.
By Pastor Ed Roebert
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