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The Holy Spirit comes and brings influence

Daily Thought

Your Word for 24 January 2025

2 Kings 6:23b
'So the bands from Aram stopped raiding Israel’s territory.'

holy spiritThe impact that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit had led to a dramatic increase in the influence the early Christians had on society and those around them.

Acts 2:41 ‘Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.’

The influence they enjoyed was supernatural and profound. They had no sound system, lights and no camera’s. They did not even have a beautiful building facility where they could ‘create’ an ideal worship experience in which people could be moved. The Holy Spirit moved the people.  The scripture tells us that as a result of the effect of the Holy Spirit that many gladly received the word and many were gladly baptized.  It goes on to say that in one day 3000 people came to salvation in Christ.   They did not need to force, beg or coerce the people.  When the Holy Spirit comes upon us the same thing can happen.  Our influence can be extended and many can be touched and gladly receive it.
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