Blog article

God loves to show justice

Daily Thought

Your Word for 17 January 2025

Exodus 6:7
‘I will take you as My own people, and I will be your God.’

1013822_10152812617741313_875406693999069952_nGod is a just God and He loves to show justice. Sometimes we can face situations that are just unfair. Injustice and in particular the sense of injustice is a terrible emotion. Life is not fair. Things do not work out as we had always hoped and planned. Someone once said to me: ‘The wheel of God turns slowly, but it grinds finely.’ Someone else said to me: ‘It all comes out in the washing!’ I have seen how God’s wheel turns and I have learnt that it is always best to do the right thing, because things will turn and then you don’t want regrets. Ultimately God works things out for our good. God is the great judge and He wants to see justice prevailing in each person’s situation. This brings relief.

Isaiah 61:8 ‘For I the Lord love justice!’

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