Have you ever lost something and desired to have it back? How do we find things that we have lost? What do we need to do to find those things? I am not taking about trivial things, but those things of true value – something precious such as the following:
- Marriages
- Relationships
- Our children
- Our Family
- Our joy
- Our integrity
- Our first love for Christ
- Our passion for the presence of God
- Our desperate dependence on the Living God
- These are all things that can be lost
- Things that we do not really appreciate until they are gone
Losing something can be difficult. We all go through experiences of this nature. Perhaps you have lost something. Perhaps it was something that was dear to you. When something like this happens it calls for action. We can’t just go on or plan to attend to it later. What are the real things that we can lose in life?
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