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Our sovereign God

Daily Thought

Your Word for 22 January 2025

Psalm 139:5
‘You hem me in behind and before; You have laid Your hand upon me.’

Ephesians 1:18-19 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe.

God is a mountain moving GodThe eyes of our hearts need to be enlightened.  We can see things with our eyes, but there is another dimension!  We can also ‘see things with our hearts’.
Seeing things with our eyes simply takes looking, but seeing things with our hearts takes revelation.  Some things we can understand simply by applying rational knowledge and thought.  Others need to come through the eyes of our heart being enlightened.  We can have an open mind but a blinded heart.
Perhaps this was what Thomas of the New Testament suffered with. He could only believe things that he could see with his physical eyes and things he could touch with his physical hands.
Earthly wisdom is something to be desired and pursued, but Heavenly wisdom is another dimension that God wants us to experience. God wants to illuminate and bring to light aspects of His character and heart that we could never have begun to conceive or fully understand.
We serve a great God and His greatness is such that it would ‘blow our minds’ if we could catch a glimpse of it with the eyes of our hearts. Only then will we understand what the ‘hope of His calling’ is, what the ‘riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints’ is and what ‘the surpassing greatness of His power towards us who believe’ is!

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