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God can lead us in many ways

Daily Thought

Your Word for 22 January 2025

Psalm 139:5
‘You hem me in behind and before; You have laid Your hand upon me.’

Alive to GodWe must never limit the way in which God can lead and guide us.
There are many ways in which God can and will lead us. Sometimes it is through the inner sense or witness, as the Bible calls it. It is a sense of knowing deep within ourselves.  Sometimes He can lead us through His Word, the Bible.  Often times His Holy Spirit will come and lead and prompt us in a certain direction.
But there are also other ways in which God can lead us.  He could use other people to bring His instructions to us.  He could speak to us through circumstances and challenges we may be facing.
In Acts 16:9 God spoke through a vision.  ‘That night Paul had a vision. In his dream he saw a man over in Macedonia, Greece, pleading with him, ‘Come over here and help us.’  Most versions of the Bible refer to it as a vision, but most versions also refer to it as a vision in the night. Night visions are often referred to as dreams, so there is a good possibility that Paul saw this in a dream.  In various places throughout the Bible God uses dreams to speak to people.
I remember one day visiting a certain Pastor in another country. We had discussed certain challenges that I had been facing and before going to sleep he prayed and asked God to speak to me even while I slept and through dreams. I sometimes pray this over my own children when, on occasion, I pray with them before going to sleep.  The issue is that God wants to lead us and He uses different ways to do so.  Our responsibility is to be sensitive to His leading and then to take action.

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