Sometimes we feel far from God and there is really nothing wrong. It can simply be that we are going through a time of testing.
I imagine that this was how Joseph must have felt. God had spoken to him through dreams and now everything is going wrong. He ends up a slave, then gets falsely accused and ends up in jail as an innocent man. This went on for many years until he thought that everyone, including God, had forgotten about him.
But God was working in his life. Removing the things that were not meant to be there and preparing him for the realization of the dreams and great things that God had planned for him.
It may simply be that you are going through a time of testing, during which God is developing and growing different aspects within you. The issue is how will we respond. Will we keep on believing God or will we turn away from God to bitterness, hardness of heart and perhaps even sin? We need to make sure pass the test!
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