Blog article

A little can become much

Daily Thought

Your Word for 25 October 2024

John 16:33b
‘In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.’

a little can become muchWe know that God can do great and wonderful things. But do we realize that He can take the little we may have to give Him and do something spectacular with it.  I remember a song that was played some years ago. The words went something like this: ‘A little becomes much, at the touch of the Masters hand’.  You may say that you don’t have much to give to God, but the issue is that He can take what we give to Him and cause it to become much more.  We want to look at a wonderful story in the Bible. On this occasion a little bread and two fish fed 5000 people.

John 6:1-12 A huge crowd were following Him (Jesus) wherever He went. So when Jesus went up into the hills and sat down with His disciples around Him, He soon saw a great multitude of people climbing the hill, looking for Him. Turning to Philip He asked, “Philip, where can we buy bread to feed all these people?” (He was testing Philip, for He already knew what He was going to do.) Philip replied, “It would take a fortune to begin to do it!” Then Andrew spoke up. “There’s a youngster here with five barley loaves and a couple of fish! But what good is that with all this mob?” “Tell everyone to sit down,” Jesus ordered. And all of them—the approximate count of the men only was five thousand—sat down on the grassy slopes. 11Then Jesus took the loaves and gave thanks to God and passed them out to the people. Afterwards He did the same with the fish. And everyone ate until full! “Now gather the scraps,” Jesus told His disciples, “so that nothing is wasted.” And twelve baskets were filled with the leftovers!

This is an amazing story.  It is a story about a little that became much just because God was involved.  When God gets involved there is always the possibility of a miracle and as a result, of circumstances dramatically changing.

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