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How to ensure success in 2014: Be Kind to Yourself (Part 2)

Daily Thought

Your Word for 07 February 2025

Psalm 71:7                  (NLT)
‘My life is an example to many, because You have been my strength and protection.’

Keys to successDo we realise that God loves us or how much He loves us? If God loves us and wants to be kind to us, surely we can be kind to ourselves?  Don’t speak negatively about yourself, don’t down or criticize yourself.
I once heard a story of a man who constantly told his family that he was a bad person. Eventually he became what he spent his time telling himself he was, and it affected his wife and family and did immense damage.
You are God’s creation and God does not make junk. You are valuable and precious to God and He loves you! Perhaps people have told you that you are no good, useless, or that you will never amount to anything. Over time you have entertained these ideas and been hard on yourself by believing such lies. It is time to stop believing the lies, give yourself the benefit of the doubt and believe what God says about you! God does not make junk!

Joshua 23:11 Be very watchful of yourselves, therefore, to love the Lord your God.

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