Blog article

The role of treasures in our lives

Daily Thought

Your Word for 14 January 2025

Proverbs 16:9
‘A man’s heart plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.’

The stormy cloudsTreasures have a profound influence on our lives. They have the ability to influence our motivations and feelings.  Treasures not only have value to us but they are also important to us.  In the light of their importance in our lives they receive the attention and focus of our lives.
I once knew a lady who collected diamond rings. She had trays of rings all displayed. I would go and visit her and she would pull them out and show them to me. She was constantly improving the security at her home to ensure the safety of these jewels. As she got older she became ill, but that did not stop her from going out to purchase more jewels. Her family relations became estranged, but she still had her jewels. Several years later she died and left all these valuable items behind.
The issue is that treasure influences our lives.  They have the potential of demanding our focus and attention and they can sidetrack us from the real issues of life.


God sees things very differently.  God sees things from an eternal perspective.

Proverbs 15:6 The house of the righteous contains great treasure.

God is not limited to time and space and the Bible tells us that He owns the cattle on a thousand hills.  In Psalms it tells us that the earth and all that it contains belongs to God.  Earthly treasures do not concern God! He is looking for our hearts.  God is after your heart.

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