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Daily Thought

Your Word for 14 February 2025

Jeremiah 31:3
‘I have loved you with an everlasting love…’

Fear is one of the most crippling emotions.  If fear is left unchecked, it can result in serious problems.  Fear is a powerful force.  Everyone battles with it from time to time. I have heard people say that the greatest fear is fear itself, but what does the Bible say about fear? Does it give us any guidelines?
Fear is something that holds us back.  Because of fear, we may miss some great opportunities.  This can go so far as too include missing what God has for us.  Examples: Fear of rejection – leads to isolation – and for this reason such a person would be stopped from telling others about Jesus Christ.
We need to know how to handle fear and what God says about fear.  I believe that we can overcome fear in any of its forms. God advises us on the issue of fear.  He tells us that we should not allow fear to grip us.  We need to exchange our fear and replace it with a more active trust in God.
In the past, I have been fearful and worried about a certain practical aspect of my life. I must admit that I found it difficult to release it to God. The moment that I thought I had released it I would begin to think of the problem from another angle. But as a managed to give it to Him, I was able to experience a release.
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