How to ensure success in 2014: Believe in God (Part 6)

BELIEVING GOD BRINGS RESULTS! As we trust God and believe, even though we may be facing impossible, unlikely or changeless situations, God is still in control. He is able to do the impossible, perform the unlikely, change the situations that never seem to change and make dreams reality. Imagine if Joseph had given up somewhere […]

How to ensure success in 2014: Believe in God (Part 6)

BELIEVING GOD BRINGS RESULTS! As we trust God and believe, even though we may be facing impossible, unlikely or changeless situations, God is still in control. He is able to do the impossible, perform the unlikely, change the situations that never seem to change and make dreams reality. Imagine if Joseph had given up somewhere…

How to ensure success in 2014: Believe in God (Part 5)

BELIEVING IN GOD WHEN YOUR DREAMS ARE NOT REALISED! This is just one more of those areas in which we need to believe God. Many people battle because of unrealized dreams. Death of a dream is one of the greatest hurdles to cross. Again Joseph is a prime example. Joseph had dramatic dreams that gave […]

How to ensure success in 2014: Believe in God (Part 5)

BELIEVING IN GOD WHEN YOUR DREAMS ARE NOT REALISED! This is just one more of those areas in which we need to believe God. Many people battle because of unrealized dreams. Death of a dream is one of the greatest hurdles to cross. Again Joseph is a prime example. Joseph had dramatic dreams that gave…

How to ensure success in 2014: Watch your thoughts (Part 1)

It has been said that we become what we think. If this is true then our thought-life plays a far greater role than we ever could have imagined.I have discovered that our thoughts and what goes on in our minds has a great bearing on who we are and what we become. What do we […]

How to ensure success in 2014: Watch your thoughts (Part 1)

It has been said that we become what we think. If this is true then our thought-life plays a far greater role than we ever could have imagined.I have discovered that our thoughts and what goes on in our minds has a great bearing on who we are and what we become. What do we…

How to ensure success in 2014: Courage (Part 9)

HOLD ONTO YOUR COURAGE Having courage is a key to success in our lives. I once heard someone say that life is not for the faint-hearted! In a sense we have got to hold onto our courage and not allow it to slip through our fingers. Sometimes circumstances can erode our courage. We must however […]

How to ensure success in 2014: Courage (Part 9)

HOLD ONTO YOUR COURAGE Having courage is a key to success in our lives. I once heard someone say that life is not for the faint-hearted! In a sense we have got to hold onto our courage and not allow it to slip through our fingers. Sometimes circumstances can erode our courage. We must however…

How to ensure success in 2014: Courage (Part 7)

SUMMONS COURAGE! We need to summons our courage. We need to speak to ourselves and tell ourselves to have courage. 1 Thessalonians 2:2 But though we had already suffered and been outrageously treated at Philippi, as you know, yet [in the strength of] our God we summoned courage to proclaim to you unfalteringly the good […]

How to ensure success in 2014: Courage (Part 7)

SUMMONS COURAGE! We need to summons our courage. We need to speak to ourselves and tell ourselves to have courage. 1 Thessalonians 2:2 But though we had already suffered and been outrageously treated at Philippi, as you know, yet [in the strength of] our God we summoned courage to proclaim to you unfalteringly the good…


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