The final words of Jesus on the cross: JESUS COMMITS HIS LIFE INTO THE FATHER'S HANDS (Part 7 of 7)
Here again we see Jesus refer to God as His Father. The work is done and once again God is His Father. He was no longer separated from His Father. God was His Father. He now voluntarily entrust His spirit into the hands of His Father. In the same way you and I need to…
The final words of Jesus on the cross: JESUS COMMITS HIS LIFE INTO THE FATHER'S HANDS (Part 7 of 7)
Here again we see Jesus refer to God as His Father. The work is done and once again God is His Father. He was no longer separated from His Father. God was His Father. He now voluntarily entrust His spirit into the hands of His Father. In the same way you and I need to […]
The final words of Jesus on the cross: JESUS IS VICTORIOUS (Part 6 of 7)
This is a cry of victory. His suffering is over. His work on earth is done. He has accomplished the work His Father had prepared for Him. He had made a way! It was not a half job and nothing was left incomplete. It was done, it was complete, it was finished! He had done…
The final words of Jesus on the cross: JESUS IS VICTORIOUS (Part 6 of 7)
This is a cry of victory. His suffering is over. His work on earth is done. He has accomplished the work His Father had prepared for Him. He had made a way! It was not a half job and nothing was left incomplete. It was done, it was complete, it was finished! He had done […]
The final words of Jesus on the cross: JESUS SHOWS US HIS HUMAN SIDE (Part 5 of 7)
Prophetic fulfillment of: Psalm 69:21 ‘They put gall in my food and gave me vinegar for my thirst.’ Jesus was suffering. There was a human side to this suffering. As Jesus cried out ‘I thirst!’ He gives us a glimpse of His human suffering. And today we have One who has suffered and was tempted…
The final words of Jesus on the cross: JESUS SHOWS US HIS HUMAN SIDE (Part 5 of 7)
Prophetic fulfillment of: Psalm 69:21 ‘They put gall in my food and gave me vinegar for my thirst.’ Jesus was suffering. There was a human side to this suffering. As Jesus cried out ‘I thirst!’ He gives us a glimpse of His human suffering. And today we have One who has suffered and was tempted […]
The final words of Jesus on the cross: JESUS CRIES OUT (Part 4 of 7)
GOD TURNS HIS BACK ON HIS SON JESUS Jesus did not say: ‘My God, it feels like you have forsaken me!’ Jesus knew what was happening. God was placing the sin of all mankind on His Son and in that moment God, who could tolerate sin, turned away. To be ‘forsaken’ is undesirable state. To…
The final words of Jesus on the cross: JESUS CRIES OUT (Part 4 of 7)
GOD TURNS HIS BACK ON HIS SON JESUS Jesus did not say: ‘My God, it feels like you have forsaken me!’ Jesus knew what was happening. God was placing the sin of all mankind on His Son and in that moment God, who could tolerate sin, turned away. To be ‘forsaken’ is undesirable state. To […]
The final words of Jesus on the cross: JESUS MAKES PROVISION (Part 3 of 7)
THE RELATIONSHIP CHANGES Here we see how Jesus speaks to His mother. We see how He calls her ‘WOMAN’ not mother. In that moment the relationship changed. He was now ‘THE SON OF GOD – TAKING AWAY THE SINS OF THE WORLD’. The son of man could never do that, it had to be the…
The final words of Jesus on the cross: JESUS MAKES PROVISION (Part 3 of 7)
THE RELATIONSHIP CHANGES Here we see how Jesus speaks to His mother. We see how He calls her ‘WOMAN’ not mother. In that moment the relationship changed. He was now ‘THE SON OF GOD – TAKING AWAY THE SINS OF THE WORLD’. The son of man could never do that, it had to be the […]