A prayer
Wonderful Father, Thank you that you have effected a miracle in me and that I am now a new creation. Thank you that when you gave me the ability to repent of my sins and to surrender to your Lordship I experienced a new birth, I was born again. I happily acknowledge therefore that I have become part…
A prayer
Wonderful Father, Thank you that you have effected a miracle in me and that I am now a new creation. Thank you that when you gave me the ability to repent of my sins and to surrender to your Lordship I experienced a new birth, I was born again. I happily acknowledge therefore that I have become part […]
Being related to the Holy Spirit
Although a man may appreciate the help of his wife, there is no one to equal the Holy Spirit. He is the greatest companion you can ever know. Being related to the Holy Spirit means more than can be expressed in words. From Him we receive the wisdom of God, the anointing of God and the Power of […]
Being related to the Holy Spirit
Although a man may appreciate the help of his wife, there is no one to equal the Holy Spirit. He is the greatest companion you can ever know. Being related to the Holy Spirit means more than can be expressed in words. From Him we receive the wisdom of God, the anointing of God and the Power of…
Worship – Practical hints
God is looking at our hearts. He wants to make His presence real to those who are seeking for Him. We can begin worshiping God when we have hearts that are clean. Here are a few aspects that I have found helpful in my own life. 1. BEGIN WITH THANKFULNESS. Think of the things that you can be thankful for. Often […]
Worship – Practical hints
God is looking at our hearts. He wants to make His presence real to those who are seeking for Him. We can begin worshiping God when we have hearts that are clean. Here are a few aspects that I have found helpful in my own life. 1. BEGIN WITH THANKFULNESS. Think of the things that you can be thankful for. Often…
Yielding to God
God has given us so much. God has given us His son Jesus. God has given us His Holy Spirit. It is like God has given us an open door to so much more of Himself. How much of God we will experience is limited to how much room we will give Him in our lives. Giving God space in […]
Yielding to God
God has given us so much. God has given us His son Jesus. God has given us His Holy Spirit. It is like God has given us an open door to so much more of Himself. How much of God we will experience is limited to how much room we will give Him in our lives. Giving God space in…
How to become more than we thought we could be
FIRSTLY – AS WE BELIEVE! I believe that God wants to use each one of us and has a plan and a purpose just as He said. It is on God’s heart for each one of us. I do not believe that there are exceptions. You are not an exception. SECONDLY – By God’s Spirit. We need to […]
How to become more than we thought we could be
FIRSTLY – AS WE BELIEVE! I believe that God wants to use each one of us and has a plan and a purpose just as He said. It is on God’s heart for each one of us. I do not believe that there are exceptions. You are not an exception. SECONDLY – By God’s Spirit. We need to…