A complete turnaround

This is what God has in store for you. God wants to see a complete turnaround for you. Where there was sickness and wounded bodies and hearts, He wants to bring healing. Where there was death, He wants to bring life.  Where there are only ashes, He wants to transform it and give us beauty instead of […]

A complete turnaround

This is what God has in store for you. God wants to see a complete turnaround for you. Where there was sickness and wounded bodies and hearts, He wants to bring healing. Where there was death, He wants to bring life.  Where there are only ashes, He wants to transform it and give us beauty instead of…

Appropriating God's blessings by faith

According to Hebrews 11:33 the Old Testament saints who were blessed by God, obtained their blessings BY FAITH! It says that “THROUGH FAITH … THEY OBTAINED PROMISES”. It is wrong to say, “If God has promised it to me, then why has He not kept His promise?” God always keeps His promises when we BELIEVE […]

Appropriating God's blessings by faith

According to Hebrews 11:33 the Old Testament saints who were blessed by God, obtained their blessings BY FAITH! It says that “THROUGH FAITH … THEY OBTAINED PROMISES”. It is wrong to say, “If God has promised it to me, then why has He not kept His promise?” God always keeps His promises when we BELIEVE…

New Testament blessings

Ephesians 1:3 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ” He then goes on to explain that because we are “in Christ” we are blessed with all the blessings that are in Christ. This he goes on to detail […]

New Testament blessings

Ephesians 1:3 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ” He then goes on to explain that because we are “in Christ” we are blessed with all the blessings that are in Christ. This he goes on to detail…

God's family enjoys His wonderful blessings

It is a privilege to be part of the family of God. It is a privilege to be able to share in the blessings that God has planned for His family. As an earthly father loves to bless his family, so our heavenly Father loves to bless His children. God’s plan is that His children […]

God's family enjoys His wonderful blessings

It is a privilege to be part of the family of God. It is a privilege to be able to share in the blessings that God has planned for His family. As an earthly father loves to bless his family, so our heavenly Father loves to bless His children. God’s plan is that His children…


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Alive To God


Standard Bank



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Box 35432, Menlo Park,
Pretoria, Gauteng,
South Africa, 0010