To reign means to rule, to preside over something, to have dominion, to exercise authority, to be the most powerful or the most important person, to have supremacy and to forever endure. Sometimes we see Christ as the one who has suffered and died for us. Perhaps the pictures of the crucifix have left an impression in our hearts and minds of the suffering that our Saviour had to face. Perhaps we have come to terms with His suffering, but it can be hard for us to picture Him ruling and reigning, especially in a world that can sometimes seem out of control. The picture of Jesus as the victor and conqueror can be hard to grasp. We may be comfortable to see Him as the carpenter’s son or the one who suffered and died, but we should also see Him as the triumphant, victorious one who rules and reigns.
The Bible tells us that the Lord reigns.
Psalm 9:7 ‘The LORD reigns forever…’
(Hebrew meaning of the word reign – to forever endure) At this very moment, Jesus is at the right hand of the Father, from where He reigns over all things.
Mark 16:19 ‘After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, He was taken up into heaven and He sat at the right hand of God.’
The term ‘God’s right hand’ in prophecy refers to the Messiah (Jesus) and it is to Him that power and authority is given to subdue His enemies. The fact that He is seated is a reference to the fact that the work is done. The question is what is there left to do? The answer is to reign! A good definition of reigning would be: ‘To have the power and authority to subdue your enemies!’ We need to begin to see Jesus Christ in this way. Perhaps in your mind’s eye we should visualise Him seated on the throne, reigning over all things. When He came to earth He came to serve, but He is not serving now. He is not washing people’s feet now, He is reigning. He is after all the King of kings and the Lord of lords. He reigns in all dimensions. He reigns in heaven and He reigns on the earth and He reigns over His church. Beyond this, He reigns over all things.
Matthew 28:18 Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.’
He is King everywhere and reigns over all things everywhere. The world may look hopeless and confusion may be the order of the day, but He still reigns over it all and He is not confused or mistaken. He even reigns over sickness, wickedness and the power of Hell itself. It is for this very reason that you and I do not need to fear.
Psalm 93:1 ‘The LORD reigns, He is robed in majesty; the LORD is robed in majesty and armed with strength; indeed, the world is established, firm and secure.’
Because He reigns, we can rest secure. Nothing escapes His view and nothing is too hard for Him to handle.
Exodus 15:18 ‘The LORD reigns for ever and ever.’
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