After giving her precious son over to God, she starts rejoicing.
1 Samuel 2:1 Then Hannah prayed: ‘My heart rejoices in the LORD! The LORD has made me strong. Now I have an answer for my enemies; I rejoice because you rescued me.’
It is so important to remember to be thankful and to live a life of praise. It is part of having that different attitude. Let praise and thankfulness dominate your heart and mind. It is an indication of our dependence on God. Don’t let negativity overwhelm you, but remember to praise God in your situation. Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice. It is interesting to note that God had stopped her from having children.
1 Samuel 1:6 ‘the LORD had closed her womb!’
One may ask why He did this? I certainly would! Perhaps He knew that she had it in her to be the example we all need!
God did not just leave it there. God honored Hannah for honoring her pledge to Him. He blessed her with 3 more sons and 2 more daughters. From nothing to six children. That is more than she could have asked or imagined. What is more, because of Hannah and what she did, her name goes down in history as one of the remarkable women of faith. And still today many parents give the name Hannah to their children. Hannah is the 25th most popular name out of the top 100 names for girls. The other wife, who seemed to have it all, is not remembered at all. So be like Hannah and continue to believe God for what seems to be impossible!
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