God is the only one we should fear. Fear, with its debilitating influence should not be given the first place in our lives. Often times it is our fears that get the greatest amount of attention from our hearts and minds. If we can know God and His presence in our lives we can have the balance restored and fear Him and not fear all the earthly aspects of life.
Matthew 10:28 Don’t be afraid of those who can kill only your bodies – but can’t touch your souls! Fear only God who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
Proverbs 14:26 He who fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for his children it will be a refuge.
What is the alternative? How shall we live? I believe I have an answer. It may not be that easy, but it is the answer. We will need to trust God.
Luke 8:50 But when Jesus heard what had happened, He said to the father, “Don’t be afraid! Just trust me, and she’ll be all right.”
Jesus gave us the alternative – ‘Don’t be afraid! Just trust me.’ Begin to replace your fear with a trusting in God. This is the alternative.
When it comes to the fears we all battle with, we can ask God for His help. If you are battling today, why not consider doing this. Go to God and call on Him to help you. I believe He will do just that and that He will step into our lives and help us.
Psalm 34:4 For I cried to Him and He answered me! He freed (delivered) me from all my fears.
The rewards are that we can know what it means to be delivered and freed from all our fears. That is the way I want to live. If you need God to help you in this regard, ask Him!
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