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Daily Thought

Your Word for 07 February 2025

Psalm 71:7                  (NLT)
‘My life is an example to many, because You have been my strength and protection.’

Moses spent 40 years in exile in the wilderness. But these were not wasted years.  The Lord used these years to work in Moses’ heart and to change him and bring him to a place of total surrender and reliance on the Lord.  Often, we may think that there are many wasted years in our lives, but nothing is ever wasted with God. The 40 years that Moses spent in the wilderness was a time of preparation. Never underestimate the importance of preparation.

1. Preparation brings lasting results. 
Have you ever discovered that before you can paint out a room, you need to prepare the walls for the paint? Even if the wall surface is in perfect condition, some preparation work must be done before applying a new coat of paint. Once the wall is prepared the paint can be applied. A clean surface ensures that the paint will adhere to the surface, and in the process, last longer. Painting unprepared walls could results in peeling and other unsightly results. Skipping the preparation stage will bring regrets later. 

2. Preparation brings us to the place of authority. 
Take an individual, who takes years out of his life to study in a particular field. After the period of preparation is completed, they have the authority to speak about that field of knowledge.

3. Preparation and opportunity eventually meet. 
If we will allow the preparation stage of our lives to be completed, that preparation will eventually lead us to an opportunity.

Moses went through this period of preparation within himself. He came to the end of himself and was ready to do what God told him to do. We know little about the 40 years in the wilderness, and this time of preparation, but we know a lot about the results. In one day, everything changed.

Exodus 3:1-4 One day… the angel of the LORD appeared to him in a blazing fire from the middle of a bush. God called to him from the middle of the bush, ‘Moses! Moses!’ ‘Here I am!’ Moses replied.

At the appointed time, after the preparation was complete, opportunity arrived. The opportunity was the privilege of being used by God to bring the long-awaited freedom his nation had so longed for.

Exodus 3:10 ‘Now go, for I am sending you to Pharaoh. You must lead my people Israel out of Egypt.’

I believe that God had always planned to use Moses for this great calling and opportunity. He had allowed and even facilitated the season of preparation in the wilderness and the Lord had never given up on Moses. Moses was His ‘Plan A’ and there was no ‘Plan B’. The Lord wants to use each one of us. He has taken us through our own period of preparation by way of our unique journey and He has a plan and purpose for each of our lives. Be ready for that ‘one day’!

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