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God uses what we have

Daily Thought

Your Word for 17 February 2025

Exodus 8:22
‘But on that day I will give special treatment to the land of Goshen, where My people are living…’

We need to know where to go when life has left us battle-scarred and hurt.  The lady in 2 Kings 4 knew that she had to get help and she knew that God would have to be the source of the help.

2 Kings 4:1 One day the wife of one of the seminary students came to Elisha.

We must take God our desperate need and desperate state.   This lady knew where to go.  We must take everything to God.  Go to God.   Only He has what you need.  He will take whatever you give Him and fill it with His love and presence.   He should be our first port-of-call and not our place of last resort!
God does not wait for perfect conditions before He uses people.  He does not wait until your life is perfect before He is willing to use you.  He wants to use us as we are and change us in the process.

2 Kings 4:2 “What shall I do?” Elisha asked. “How much food do you have in the house?” “Nothing at all, except a jar of olive oil,” she replied.

Look at the question: what shall I do? This is a good place to start.  We need to get to that point where we come to God without our own ideas, desperate enough to hear from Him and what we should do. Listen to her initial response to the man of God’s question.  NOTHING. We always think that we have nothing. BUT we all have something!! There is something in each one of us that God wants to use in its present condition.
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