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Created for God's praise and glory

Daily Thought

Your Word for 12 February 2025

Psalm 63:1
‘You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek You; I thirst for You, my whole being longs for You, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.’

12047195_10153237089211313_4375515084498995225_nIt is part of our purpose to praise God.  Yet life keeps us busy with everything else, so that we do not do the one thing for which we were created.  I read a statement recently: ‘”If the devil can’t make you bad he will make you busy” …too busy to praise God.  We need to on the look out for this trap.

Ephesians 1:12 God’s purpose in this was that we should praise God and give glory to him for doing these mighty things for us.

We were created to praise God. So let us make a quality decision – to make praise part of our daily lives.
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