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Leaving behind a Godly heritage

Daily Thought

Your Word for 12 September 2024

Daniel 10:11   (NLT)
‘Daniel, you are very precious to God.’

Years ago I met with a psychiatrist who had dealt with many people over many years. She made a statement to me that it was very difficult, if not impossible to escape your upbringing.  Our upbringing forms us and shapes the way we see things and the way in which we interpret the world around us.
We inevitably take on the coping mechanisms of our parents. We mimic or copy the examples that have been set for us. So we need to set the right example.  We need to live our lives in such a way that it brings glory to God and shows our children how we should live our lives and how we should follow the example of Christ.
It is not a matter of do as I say and not as I do.  It is a matter of do as I do.  I believe God wants to help us to be able to achieve this.   We do not need to do it on our own.
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