• How true it is that we all need a new start.
• Somehow life forces us into a rut.
• Somehow the rut eventually dictates the direction of our lives.
• The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.
• God has more for each of us!
• God has got more for you, not just more of the same but more of His favour, more of His loving-kindness and more of His abundant life.
• Perhaps you feel like you need a fresh start?
• Recently we enjoyed some time on the beach. As we arrived there the beach looked like a million people had walked across it. There were just footprints as far as the eye could see. We enjoyed several hours on the beach during which time high tide came and went and as we walked back to the car I noticed that the tide had come up and transformed the beach. All the footprints were gone and the beach was smooth and clear. As we walked back making new, fresh footprints I realized that this is how it is with God. He wants to come and clear away and melt away the past ruts and give us a fresh start.
• In your mind’s eye, see Him coming and washing away all the past hurts, disappointments and despair and see Him preparing a new, vast, clear beach for you to explore, enjoy and discover.
• “Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?” ― L.M. Montgomery
• The future begins today.