God is a good God.
– He has good things in store for us.
– The Bible speaks about ‘gifts’ He has for us.
– A gift is something that is voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation.
– A gift is a sign of both love and appreciation.
– Translating from the Greek it would read: “Every kind of gift that is good, and every one that is perfect in its kind.”
– God is the source of good gifts.
– He is also the source of every gift that is perfect in its kind – for me this means ‘exactly what we needed’.
– So the gifts God gives us are good and they are exactly what we need.
– These gifts come from God – ‘Coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights!’
– From the same one who made the stars, we receive gifts.
– It is not insignificant but rather it is phenomenal.